Your Advantages With Us

A trademark specialist will:

  • Perform a comprehensive search of the federal, state and common law sources
  • Provide a complimentary search for a new mark if the initial search uncovers a conflict
  • Call you to review your application and discuss the search results before preparing and filing your trademark
  • Respond to all communications / office actions from the USPTO
  • Mail your trademark registration certificate upon receipt from the US Government
  • Track all future deadlines and send reminders when they are approaching

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+ gov't fees

About The Trademark Source

The Trademark Source is provided by the law firm Joshpe Mooney Paltzik LLP, located in New York, New York. Our website was designed to create an easy-to-use online platform for filing trademarks and other intellectual property and corporate documents with the guidance and oversight of an experienced attorneys. Our goal is to provide businesses and entrepreneurs with a cost-effective alternative to the large law firms without compromising on quality or customer care. Our process is simple, secure and effective at getting the results you want.

Our attorneys have worked with large and small businesses throughout the U.S. and internationally, to develop their brands, businesses, and identity. We take a long-term approach to our clients’ needs by creating a customized plan for protecting their intellectual property portfolio.

Our attorneys have extensive experience in trademark registration, licensing and litigation before state courts, federal courts and the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. The Trademark Source is dedicated to accomplishing your trademark goals in a cost-effective and professional manner.